So if there has been a strange silence coming from my direction the past two weeks it is because I was moving my family. Well the move is pretty much behind us and things are starting to settle down now, we are now trying to find our rhythm again and find some sort of normality. We will see how that goes. Good news is that we are closer to the things we love to do, hunting, fishing, horses, and miles and miles of hiking. I am looking forward to the change in pace with my life, slowing down will be real nice with out a doubt. Sunday we took the family on a hike on the back side of Bear Valley Springs and we had a great time, we needed to start the week off right. Stay tuned all and I'll talk to you all soon.
The Bearded Boar
The Bearded Boar
Congrats on the move, Tony. I hope it all went as smoothly as can be expected.